Senin, 11 April 2016

History of Prawirotaman


The story of the kampong began in the 19th century after the then Yogyakarta sultan granted a palace official a vast tract of land, which was later named Kampong Prawirotaman. The kampung was named after Prawirotomo, a unit of soldiers led by the palace official. The official had three sons -- the late Werdoyoprawiro, Suroprawiro, and Mangunprawiro -- who all pursued the batik business. As the tourist industry grew quickly in the late 1960s, the brothers abandoned the batik business and put their money into hotels.
Since then, the sons of the three brothers have run over 60 percent of the total hotels in the Prawirotaman tourist complex. At least 17 of some 30 hotels in Prawirotaman belong to children of the three brothers. The oldest hotel in the complex, Airlangga Guest House for example, is owned by Werdoyoprawiro's son, Sugiyanto. Six other hotels in the area belong to Werdoyoprawiro's other sons and daughters, namely: Wisma Gajah, Rose Guest House, Kirana Guest House, Galunggung Guest House (already sold), and Agung Guest House.
The sons and daughters of Suroprawiro, meanwhile, own seven other hotels. They are Prambanan Guest House (now owned by a foreign investor), Sumaryo Guest House, Duta Guest House, Didi Hotel, Metro Guest House, and Palupi Guest House.

Three hotels -- Prayogo Guest House, Parikesit Guest House, and Perwitasari Guest House -- are owned by Mangunprawiro's children although they also run several other hotels outside the complex. ""My father was the first to build a hotel in Prawirotaman. He worked for a travel agency and then built the hotel in the kampong. He was in the tourist industry even when my grandfather was still running a batik factory,"" said Sugiyanto's son, Wisnu Santoso, who has helped his mother run Airlangga Guest House since the death of his father in 1997.
In the 1960s, Prawirotaman was one of few batik producing centers in Yogyakarta as well as its neighboring kampong, Tirtodipuran. Until the 1970s, business was good for many batik producers in Prawirotaman.
The 1980s and 1990s was a glorious era for the former batik producers who had sifted their business interests to the tourist industry. The economic crisis which hit the country in 1997 was the beginning of the decline in the country's tourist industry which has also affected Prawirotaman.
After almost 10 years of a slump in the business, will those former batik producers shift back to batik just as their fathers shifted from batik to the hotel business?

""In the last few years, my mother has run an antique furniture shop,"" said Wisnu, adding that the family will decide in July whether they will continue with the hotel business.

Selasa, 09 Juni 2015


Mau cerita kisah asmara aja sih guys.
- Orang yang kamu suka ngeadd line temen kamu padahal kamu mati-matian buat nyari linenya doi.
- Orang yang kamu suka lebih peduli ke temen kamu dari pada ke kamu.
- Kamu mau ikut satu ukm, ada doi dan temen kamu. Tapi doi ngasih kabar ke temen kamu doang ngga sama kamu.
- Orang yang lo suka lebih care sama temen kamu
- Pas lo lg main sama doi, doi lebih sering mandang temen lo.
- Doi ngajak temen lo karaoke, bukan ngajak lo!!!!!
- Doi ngajak temen lo makan,bukan lo!terus temenlo baru ngajak lo.uwwwwwww

Ada yang udah pernah ngalaim kaya gini belum?kalo udah selamat ya!! karena kamu secret admirer yang ulung hahaha. Aku harap suatu saat ada yg perhatian ya ma aku. jangan baper ya soalnya gak guna juga baper. Ngomong langsung ke doi aja kali ya kalo km suka ama dia?hahahaha

Bingung untuk mencurahkan hati ke siapa?ya mungkin itu yang gue rasain sekarang. Butuh temen curhat tapi pada sibuk semua. Mungkin suatu saat nanti bakal indah. Tunggu aja ya hehehe

Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Enzim Pencernaan

·         Enzim Ptialin - Mengubah amilum menjadi maltosa
·         Enzim Pepsin - Mengubah protein menjadi pepton
·         Enzim Renin - Mengubah kaseinogen menjadi kasein (protein susu)&Mengendapkan Kasein Susu
·         Enzim Lipase Gastrik - Mengubah trigliserida menjadi asam lemak

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

Roller Coaster lyric (jb)

Come here
I don't know what happened

[Verse 1:]
Where did they go?
Nights like this don't happen anymore
I need to know
Is it me, and did I lose control?

Let It Go Lyric (Demi Lovato)

Let it go, let it go
Can’t hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go,
Turn my back and slam the door
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I’m the queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn’t keep it in
Heaven knows I tried

Best Song Ever Chord

intro: D  A  Bm  A   
D                     A 
Maybe it's the way she walked
Bm                            A   
Straight into my heart and stole it
D                             A
Through the doors and past the guards
Bm                       A
Just like she already owned it
      Bm                     A
I said can you give it back to me
          G                    A (strum once)     
She said never in your wildest dreams

Contoh Esai


Pengertian dekadensi moral itu sendiri adalah kemunduran atau kemerosotan. Disini tidak terjadi kemajuan bahkan stagnasi dan mundur. Kita akan membahas mengenai dekadensi dalam moral. Dekadensi moral akhir-akhir ini sudah sering kita dengar di telinga kita. Saat familiar dan hangat di dengar. Disana sini membahas soal dekadensi moral. Dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi, aspek yang dikorbankan adalah peradaban dan gaya hidup yang berkembang di masyarakat. Masyarakat secara tidak langsung menjadi korban peradaban dan teknologi manusia. Untuk warga bangsa timur sendiri, Eropa menjadi kiblat perkembangan teknologi. Sehingga secara tidak langsung, gaya hidup dan peradaban disana pun turut ditiru bangsa yang masih berkembang seperti Indonesia.